🚨 Full TeslaCon Schedule, Cats, Events, and... 💖⚙️📚
*insert vague happy publishing news and lots of flailing here*
I hope you’re having a wonderful week! I’ve been prepping panels and swag for TeslaCon while finishing up a WIP. I also received fun publishing news this week that I’m hoping to share more details about soon! 🎉 It’s too early to say anything more yet as nothing is finalized, but please keep your fingers crossed for me! 💖
Over the weekend, I had a fantastic time at the Ames Public Library Author Fair meeting readers and other local authors. The next day, I attended a wonderful birthday lunch for the BrassGears Adventurers Society! You can find a pic from the outing here in the Facebook Group page. My expression cracked me up! I swear I had fun, but my resting face was something when I thought pics were done. 😂

Where to find me at TeslaCon
I can’t believe TeslaCon is only 22 days away! For those unfamiliar, TeslaCon is one of the longest running steampunk conventions in the US and is located in Middleton, Wisconsin. When I’m not on a panel, I’ll be at my table in the vendor room with my books and other fun bookish goodies. (For the first time, I’ll have bookmarks available for The Clockwork Coffin!)
I also plan on attending at least one (if not both) balls on Friday and Saturday night of the con. I’m hoping to go to both dances, as long as I can also make appearances at the suite parties for The Chicago Steampunk Expo and BrassGears Adventurers Society.
Vendor Room Schedule:
Thursday, Nov 7th: 4 - 8 pm
Friday, Nov 8th: 11 am - 6 pm
Saturday, Nov 9th: 10 am - 6 pm
Sunday, Nov 10th: 10 am - 3 pm

Panel Schedule
⚙️ What if? Alternate History and the Media (Friday, 11/08 @ 3:30-5 pm)
Explore the fascinating genre of alternate history in media, where writers and artists imagine scenarios of a past that never was. In this panel, we’ll discuss some of the most popular and influential works of the genre in media, such as Watchmen, Anno Dracula, and Loki. We will also examine the themes, challenges, and implications of creating and consuming alternate history stories.
🔱 Plato and the Story of Atlantis (Saturday, 11/09 @ 10-11:30 am)
Explore the fascinating connection between Plato and the lost city of Atlantis! We will examine the debated origins of Plato's account and its lasting impact on modern utopian and dystopian stories.
🌊 Gadgets and Gizmos of the High Seas (Saturday, 11/09 @ 1-2:30 pm)
Discover the real story behind the maritime gadgets and gizmos! First, we'll talk about the wide range of actual technology used in navigation and seafaring. Then, we'll explore how these technologies have influenced steampunk media.
📖 Steampunk & Storytelling (Saturday, 11/09 @ 4-5:30 pm)
From clockwork cities to sentient robots, airships, and time travel, this informative panel will explore how the imaginative worlds of Steampunk serve as dynamic settings for various narratives. Guest authors and storytellers will discuss how these unique settings and conventions provide endless opportunities for creative storytelling, blending history, fantasy, romance, science, and futuristic innovation.
📚 Strange Steampunk and Reinvented Fairy Tales (Sunday, 11/10 @ 9:30-11 am)
Join Kelsey Josephson for “Strange Steampunk and Reinvented Fairy Tales,” a captivating panel exploring the enchanting world of steampunk-infused fairy tales, alternate history, and monster stories. Kelsey will read and discuss her works, including Forsaken Beauty and the Etherbeast, Monsters and Machines: A Strange Happenings Collection, and other stories. Attendees will also get an exclusive sneak peek at her newest dark fairy tale retelling, The Clockwork Coffin. Prepare to be transported to fantastical realms where steampunk tech collides with magic and monsters!
You can find a sneak peek of the schedule here as it’s being updated.
I’m so excited to see old friends and meet new ones, too! There are only three remaining TeslaCons scheduled. If you can make it, I’d highly suggest attending! Ticket information can be found here. If you live in the area and only want to shop, you can get a free pass for Sunday, November 11th. There is a very active Facebook group for attendees if you want to learn more (or if you have a question, feel free to ask me in the comments!)
Until then, I’m going to finish (ha!) working my way through my TBR stack, starting with Cherie Priest’s Dreadnought for Temporal Textual Talks, a virtual steampunk book club. Want to join us? Our next meeting is on Sunday, October, 20th. You don’t have to finish the book before attending, just be aware that there will be spoilers and shenanigans. Click here for more info!

Happy reading!