Clockwork Tales on the Fantasy Romance Podcast 💖⚙️📚
Plus where to find me at the Chicago Steampunk Expo and a WIP Update
I recently had the privilege of being a guest on The Fantasy Romance Podcast, hosted by Callie Chase. I had a blast talking about world-building, fairy tale retellings, fan events, favorite methods for beating writer’s block, and more! This week, the episode went live and you can listen to it here on Substack for ad-free listening. You can also find it on Spotify and Apple.
I had so much fun on the podcast talking to Callie! Don’t forget to subscribe to The Fantasy Romance Podcast for more free episodes. I’ve been listening to it on my lunch breaks. 💖
In other news, last night I finished the first draft of my new steampunk romantasy series between prepping for The Chicago Steampunk Expo! 🎉
I printed off a copy to take with me to read and start making edits during my trip. The rest of my Forsaken Beauty and the Etherbeast paperbacks for the con arrived yesterday while I was writing.
Find Me at the Chicago Steampunk Expo! ⚙️
From April 12th-14, I’ll be on Printers’ Row with hardcovers and paperbacks of both Forsaken Beauty and the Etherbeast + Monsters and Machines: A Strange Happenings Collection, along with bookmarks, postcards, and keychains. If you’re in the area, come say hi! The Chicago Steampunk Expo is one of my favorite events and I’m so looking forward to returning.

Aside from vending, I'll also be doing a reading and a panel! More details below:
📚 Reading of Forsaken Beauty and the Etherbeast on Saturday at 10 am in Cyan Tea Parlor
📚 Panel Strange Happenings at the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair on Sunday at 11 am in Mahogany 2
My birthday is also on Saturday, which is the night of The Goblin Court Masquerade! I can't think of a better way to celebrate. I’ll take any excuse to wear a fantastic dress with my boots. 💖⚙️📚
Upcoming Event: Ankeny Authors Fair
Here are the details:
Ankeny Kirkendall Public Library
Saturday, April 20th
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
From Ankeny Kirkendall Public Library:
Join us as we welcome 63 authors, including fiction, non-fiction, memoirs/biographies, poetry books across adult, young adult and children's genres. Connect with authors, buy books (and get them signed!)

As always, you can check the Events page of my website for more upcoming events and cons.
Happy reading!