The Chicago Steampunk Expo is nearly a week away! I will be on Printers’ Row for the weekend with copies of my books. I'm also giving a reading for Forsaken Beauty and the Etherbeast and a talk on Strange Happenings at the 1893 World's Fair. Come say hi if you're in the area!
For this week’s newsletter, I thought it would be fun to talk about the things that happen at steampunk cons, especially for my readers who have never been to one yet.
But first, a quick update on my WIP: I’m about 75% done with my current draft. I’m debating switching to a dual POV for this steampunk fantasy romance, but I won’t be making a decision until this draft is done, likely before I leave for Chicago. If you have a preference for single or dual POV, let me know (and why) in the comments!
One of the first things that comes to mind for steampunk conventions is all of the fun costumes! This can be as elaborate or simple as you’d like. I’m personally a fan of pairing boots with a ruffled skirt, a cinched belt, and a shirt because it’s a ridiculously comfortable outfit. If you don’t have any steampunk clothes or accessories, there’s no shortage of vendors at the cons to find gorgeous hats, corsets, goggles, and more! You can also go thrifting before the con or attend a Steampunk Clothing Exchange.
Note you don’t have to dress up to go to a steampunk event, but it is fun.
Masquerades and Live Music
One of my favorite aspects of steampunk cons is the masquerade balls! As someone who grew up obsessed with Phantom of the Opera and Sailor Moon, I love, love, love the excuse to wear a beautiful gown, mask, and boots. It’s truly a magical experience seeing everyone masked on the dancefloor. 💖
At the conventions I’ve been to (Chicago Steampunk Expo and TeslaCon) the masquerade is included with your ticket. Both events have brought in bands and DJs. If you’ve never seen a steampunk band perform, it’s so fun!
Readings and Author Signings
At the 2023 Chicago Steampunk Expo, I was lucky to meet several wonderful authors, including Gail Carriger and Leanna Renee Hieber. At this year’s Expo, Jim Butcher is attending and Leanna Renee Hieber is returning along with several other authors on Artists’ Alley and Printers’ Row. There will be readings and signings, along with opportunities to purchase books. Some of the authors also are guests for tea during the convention weekend.
I have a confession to make: I’m a huge nerd for learning new things. Panels are another one of my favorite reasons for attending cons. I’m also a notetaker, so whenever I get a chance to attend a panel or lecture, I bring my journal and pen with me. The range of panel topics can include everything from real history, how-to’s, costuming, media critiques, steampunk history, and so much more. Here’s a glimpse of the packed schedule for Chicago’s panels.
The absolute best part of attending steampunk conventions is the sense of community. It’s one thing to meet like-minded people online in Facebook groups or Discord, but there’s something truly special about being able to enjoy the company of others in person. I used to consider myself an introvert, and to an extent I am, but after attending a few events, I’m more of the opinion that while I do need my alone time to recharge being around people who I feel like I can fully be myself around makes me happiest.
At TeslaCon 2023, I attended several airship crew parties (room parties) and had the good fortune to meet members from a few different groups and some were local to me in central Iowa! Since the con, I’ve been to dinner with the Des Moines Science Fiction & Fantasy Society, on an adventurous outing with the BrassGears Adventurers Society, joined the Iowa Tea Scouts Troop 42, and attended (online because this is global) a virtual steampunk book club, Temporal Textual Talks.
Have you been to a steampunk event or have one in your area? I’d love to hear about your experiences!

Happy reading!